Extractions from the Boonville Enquirer 1863 – 1928

Legal Notices

Boonville Enquirer, Warrick County, Indiana, 8/27/1863

Executor’s Notice

Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed Administratrix of the estate of Jas A. BENNETT, deceased, late of Warrick county, Indiana. Said estate is supposed to be insolvent, creditors are therefore notified that the same will be settled accordingly.


August 13, 1863 Administratrix

Boonville Enquirer, Warrick County, Indiana, 8/27/1863

Administrator’s Notice

Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has taken out letters of Administration on the estate of Jacob BAUM, late of Warrick county, deceased. The estate is supposed to be solvent.


August 24th, 1863


FULLER & BLUETT Atty’s for Estate


State of Indiana — County of Warrick,

In the Court of common Pleas of Warrick county,

Indiana, October Term, A. D. 1863

Petition for Petition
Louisa GRAHAM,
Christ. C. GRAHAM
Hargraves GRIFFITH

Comes the plaintiff and files her complaint and also the affidavit of a competent witness stating that the defendants, Louisa GRAHAM and Christopher C. GRAHAM are now residents of the State of Indiana and that they are necessary parties to this suit; it being Partition of lands. Said Defendants, Louisa GRAHAM and Christopher C. GRAHAM will therefore take notice of the filing and pendency of said suit, and that the same will stand for trial and determination at the next term of the Court of Common Pleas of said Warrick county, to be held at the Court House in Boonville, on the third Monday in October 1863,

Attest: WM. J. HARGRAVE, Clerk

J, FULLER Atty for Ptiff.


Court Notice

Boonville Enquirer, Warrick County, Indiana, 8/27/1863

State of Indiana County of Warrick

In the Circuit Court, September, Term 1863

vs. Petition for Divorce

Comes the Plaintiff by Attorney and files her complaint also the affidavit of a competent witness, stating that said defendant is not a resident of the State of Indiana. Therefore, said defendant, Calvin CLELLAND will take notice of the filing of said complaint, and that the same will stand for trial at the next term of the Warric Circuit Court to be begun and held at the Court House in Boonville on the second Monday in September 1863.

Attes WM. J. HARGRAVE, Clerk

FULLER & BLEWITT atty for Ptiff

Admnistrator’s Notice

Boonville Enquirer, Warrick County, Indiana, 8/27/1863

NOTICE is hereby give that the undersigned has been appointed administrator de bonis non of the estate of Jos. MASTERS deceased, of Warrick county Indiana, Said estate is solvent.



Notice of Distribution

Boonville Enquirer, Warrick County, Indiana, 8/27/1863

State of Indiana, Warrick County

Notice is hereby given that at the June term of the Court of Common Please, of Warrick county, after final settlement of the estate of Jonathon FLOYD, deceased, about the sum of seven hundred and seventy-three dollars were found remaining for distribution among the heirs. Said heirs are therefore notified to appear on the first day of the next term of said Court, and prove their heirship, and receive their distributive share.


33-S4 C. C. P. W. C.

Notice of Distribution

Boonville Enquirer, Warrick County, Indiana, 8/27/1863

State of Indiana, Warrick County

Notice is hereby given that at the June term of the Court of Common Pleas, of Warrick county, after final settlement of the estate of John M. DAY, deceased, about the sum of four hundred and ninety dollars were found remaining for distribution among the heirs. Said heirs are therefore notified to appear on the first day of the next term of said Court, and prove their heirship, and receive their distributive share.


33-84 C. C. P. W. C.


Boonville Enquirer, Warrick County, Indiana,10/10/1863-7

NOTICE is hereby given that my wife Margaret A. HEBNER, has left my bed and board without just cause or provocation. I hereby notify all persons against trusting or harboring her, as I will pay no debts contracted by her. HENRY HEBNER,

oct 10-8w

Death of Mr. Charles Frederick Leopold KINDERMAN

Boonville Enquirer ? Warrick County, Indiana, January 7, 1865


At the residence of his son, on the 7th inst,. Mr. Charles Frederick Leopold KINDERMAN, who was born in the county of Hartford, Prussia, July 7, 1806.  Mr KINDERMAN emigrated to this country in 1860, and has been a resident of Boonville for the past five years, where he as always been regarded as a worthy citizen.

Marriage Announcements

Boonville Enquirer, Warrick County, Indiana, Jan 4, 1866

On the 26th ult, by the Rev. A. Freeman, Mr. H. C. NOEL, to Miss Ella H WHITE, all of Newburgh, Ind.

We congratulate our friend, Noel on his happy selection of a partner for life, and extend to him and his fair bride our best wishes for their future happiness.

On the 27th ult, by the F. A. Brown Esq. Mr. Martin HARMON to Miss Elizabeth HART at the residence of the Bride in Boon? twp.  Accompanying the above was a liberal supply of cake.  The parties have our best wishes for a long and happy life.

On the 26th ult, by the Rev. A. Freeman, Mr. Jay M. ROBENSON, to Miss M. BELL all of Newburgh, Ind.

On the 2? (28 or 23?)th ult, by the Rev. F. Walker, Mr. Thos. WADKINS to Miss C. Vinson all of Newburgh, Ind.

On the 21st ult, by T.A. Brown Esq., at the residence of the brides fathers Mr. James BOHANAN to Miss Sarah E. PAC?E.

On the 25th ult, by the Rev. N. M. Paterson, at Henry Fuquay’s, Mr. Joseph FUQUAY to Miss Mary FUQUAY.   Many thanks for the bountiful supply of cake which accompanied the above notice.

On the 25th ult, by F. A. Brown, Esq. at Medford Wakeland’s, Mr. James W. WATROUS, to Miss Margaret RUSS.

Administratrix’s Sale of Personal Property

Boonville Enquirer, Warrick County, Indiana, 1/7/1868

THE undersigned will sell at Public auction at the late residence of John BENTON, decease, on Saturday, the 12th day of December 1868, the personal property of the decedent, consisting of horses, hogs, cattle, hay, corn and tobacco, buggy, wagon, harness, household and kitchen furniture, farming utensils &c.

TERMS–Twelve months credit on all sums over $5,00, the purchaser giving his note with approved security at interest from date, and provision for Attorneys fee if collected by suit.


nov 19 8w Administrix

School Program

Boonville Enquirer, Warrick County, Indiana, Jan 1869

Programme of the School Exhibition to be held at Youngblood’s Chapel,
Near Yankeetown, on the 6th inst.

PrayerRev. N. M. PATTERSON
PrologueMaster O. J. TAYLOR
Concert RecitationEight young Ladies


WearyMiss Mollie TAYLOR
Death of a FriendMiss Annie HARTLEY
HopeMiss Viola V. RHOADS
Like IciclesMiss Esther F. PYEATT
Kind WordsMiss Ida J. DAVIS
DreamingMiss Josie VANNADA
FriendshipMiss Mary J. DAY
Chip BasketMiss E. F. PYEATT


GirlsMaster Albert DAVIS
AspirationsMaster Eddie TAYLOR
Great SpeechMaster Eddie PURDUE
I’ll TryMaster Homer PURDUE
Not so EasyMaster Henry HEDGES
In a FixMaster Orin B. HARTLEY
Bevy of I’sEight Little Misses
Free SchoolsMaster Eugine HEDGES
Never Give UpMaster J. H. RHOADS
Domestic Grammar (Dia.)Messrs Taylor and Rhoads
I Wouldn’t, Would youMiss Annie HARTLEY
ProfanityMaster John DAVIS
The Secret (Dia.)Misses YOUNGBLOOD and RHOADS
Young AmericaEd YOUNGBLOOD
Fast Young LadyMiss Mollie C. TAYLOR
Scandal on the Brain (Dia.)Messrs. DAVIS, CASWELL, RHOADS, HARTLEY, and YOUNGBLOOD
Rise in the MorningJ.W. YOUNGBLOOD, Jr.
Child Philosophy (Dia.)Misses HARTLEY and TAYLOR
United States BondsMaster O. J. TAYLOR
Cousin Hannah Jane (Dia.)Misses DAY, TAYLOR, and CASWELL
Dutch Innskeeper (Dia.)Messrs CASWELL and YOUNGBLOOD
Things that a Man Can’t doMiss Josie VANNADA
The Ghost (Dia.)Misses TAYLOR, HARTLEY, and PYEATT
Aunt Betsy’s Beaux (Dia.)Misses DAY, CASWELL, DAVIS and RHOADS, and Messrs YOUNGBLOOD and EDINGTON
May Queen (Dia.)Several Misses
Precocious Speller (Dia.)Messrs CASWELLand TAYLOR
Caius MarusJ. EDINGTON
Coming to the Point (Badott papers)Miss M. C. TAYLOR
Widow’s Mistake, (Dia.)Miss Mollie TAYLOR and J. YOUNGBLOOD
Matrimonial Advertisement (Dia. in three scenes)Misses DAY, PYEATT and RHOADS, and Messrs HUFF and TAYLOR
Death of LucretiaR.M. PYEATT
The Hoyden (Dia. three scenes)Missess VANNADA, PYEATT, and HILL and Mr. Ed YOUNGBLOOD
The Robber (Dia.)Messrs CASWELL and YOUNGBLOOD
The way they Kept the Secret (Dia. three scenes)Misses DAVIS, VANNADA, PYEATT, HARTLEY, TAYLOR and CASWELL
The Thirteen Colonies, (Tableaux)Fourteen Ladies &e
Dream of Washington (Tableaux)
EplogueMiss Rachel TAYLOR

Local Items, News Shorts

Boonville Enquirer, Warrick County, Indiana, May 3, 1873

The mud-hole in front of the St. Charles Hotel is now being filled up.

No drunken men on our streets now, so much for our liquor law.

MR. GEORGE HOUGLAND still continues to wear his shawl.

HAMMOND & Son have put up a very nice awning in front of their store.

Let it be known to everybody that despite the late frost, the fruit is not materially damaged.

The fishing season has come and the little boys are dropping the hook in both of our mill ponds.

CARRIAGE builders always like to see three men ride in a buggy at once, tis good for their business.

THERE will be a quarterly meeting held in Boonville next Saturday and Sunday.

REV. J BRANT of Rockport, will preach at the M.E. Church Sunday Night. It is requested that there will be a large attendance.

Spring is upon us in full blast, and the farmers are improving the present nice weather by doing up their present Spring work.

A young man struggling with sixteen yellow hairs on his chin and a paint brush with lamp black on it is the latest in these parts.

WE wish all our farmers had as nice a lawn in front of their houses as that which surrounds the Court House.

WHEN a man mutilates the newspapers in a Boston reading room he is taken out and set up in the boot and shoe business.

LAST Sunday was a beautiful day and the young ladies and gentlemen were out in mass promenading the various streets of our little city.

SPORTSMEN are liable to a fine of fifty dollars and costs for hunting upon the land of another.

IF you should ever be so unfortunate as to let the cat out of the bag, never try to cram it back again; it only makes matters worse.

One, WILLIAM FRY, was the man that stole the horse collar. He wept bitter tears and said he was drunk. He was found not guilty of grand larceny, but acknowledging himself to be drunk, he was fined $10 and costs. He oughtn’t have done it.

It is an acknowledged fact that MR. HEMENWAY, our clever and accommodating Postmaster cannot be excelled in framing a picture. If you have pictures to frame go to him at once and have it done. His charges are reasonable.

A two-horse team belonging to HUDSON & GARDNER, took fright on our streets Thursday and ran about two miles out in the country on a regular two-sixteen get-away jump, with BOB BATES hold of the “strings.” Bob proved himself the master of the situation and brought them safely back to town.

IF any person imagines houses are not scarce in Boonville, let them undertake to rent. Houses are engaged two and three weeks before they become vacated, and it not infrequently occurs that new ones are bespoken before the foundations are laid. As a matter of course, grumblers think this is a sign the town is going backward.

Mrs. WM SWINT is in a happy frame of mind. HUSTON, the marble man has made her a present of a fine flower vase which has just been set up on a nicely shaped pedestal of sand stone in the front yard. HUSTON told us privately the vase was only a piece of an old cannon stove painted white. Of course Mrs SWINT mustn’t know this.

MRS. MOLLIE FORREST has on hand an excellent stock of parasols, and the latest styles of fans, as well as everything nice and fashionable in the millinery line. She sells her goods very cheap and respectfully calls the attention of the community to this important fact, and asks you to give her a call before purchasing else where.

For correct time, go to Geissler’s Peanuts at the New York store

Cotton and grass rope, yarn meal sacks etc. at Kindermann & Schreiber’s.

Got to the New York Store for some choice plumb butter.

QUEENSWARE at Evansville prices at the New York Store.

Urie Brother’s Plows for sale at the New York Store.

Farm and Church bells, straw-cutters, wheelbarrows, farming and gardening implements at Kindermann & Schreiber’s.

Received at the New York Store a large lot of lard, hams &e.

TAKEN UP.—A Newfoundland dog by Dr. CHAS. KNAPP.

Choice New Orleans Molasses at the New York Store.

Received at Kindermann & Schreiber’s a large lot of hardware, which will be sold at the lowest figures.

All the newly married are getting their outfit at the New York Store.

Remember that Mr. John Geissler, the jeweler at Ben. Gast’ warrants his work. Give him a trial.

Window glass of all sizes, queensware, glassware and stoneware at Kindermann & Schreiber’s.

Personal attention paid to repairing fine watches at John L. GEISSLERS, North side Public Square.

Received a large stock of fancy and staple groceries at Kindermann & Schreiber’s choice qualities and low prices.

MR. GEORGE HOUGLAND requests us to say to the public that he now has in market, and for sale cheap, a fine lot of Early Rose potatoes.

A large assortment of horse-brushes and curry combs, white wash and sweeping brushes, etc., at Kindermann & Schreiber’s.

CARPENTERS go to Kindermann & Schreiber’s they keep a fine assortment of tools, and in fact anything for the builders use.

IF you want your watches, clocks and jewelry repaired and warranted, go to John L. Geissler’s, north side of the Public Square, in Ben. Gast’s boot and shoe establishment.

News Shorts

Boonville Enquirer, Warrick County, Indiana, Dec 13, 1873

A little girl was nearly drowned at Petersburg during the heavy rain storm last week.  She was barely rescued by Thad. C WITHERS.

Michael FARMER and Jack HEWLET got into a row at Mt. Vernon, the other day, and made thewhole town turn out to witness the affray.  FARMER got badly whipped and HEWLET escaped.

Robert MCREYNOLDS has temporarily given up the picture business, and is temporarily engaged in Parson’s dry goods store.

Dr. W. W. SLAUGHTER is making some improvements on his office.

J. SYNDER’s hay boat landed at her destination safely.

On last Wednesday, it rained in torrents, and at night the wind blew a heavy gale, by which some dame was done.  It blew down the chimney of “Uncle Henry ROREBECK,” and the tobacco barn of W. S. FOWLER, besides scattering the fences around in different places, and we have had rain almost every day since.  At the present writing the rain is pattering down profusely.  So look out for mud.

Teacher’s Meeting

The Boonville Enquirer, Warrick County, Indiana, Saturday Dec 13, 1873

By request we present to the readers of the Enquirer the proceedings of Hart Township Teachers Institute, held in this place on the 5th.

Institute called to order by D.M. MARTIN, President.  Secretary being absent J.R. KIRPATRICK was appointed Secretary pro tem.  Roll called all answered to their
names except J. T. THOMPSON, WOODHAM and Miss HENDERSON.

Minutes of previous meeting read and objections taken thereto by the President, which objections were sustained by the Institute.

T.J. PETERS presented his mode of teaching primary grammar by class drill, which exercise was interesting as well as instructive.

James W. HOLDER presented his mode of teaching orthography by class drill.

C.C. CASWELL gave exercises on arithmetic in Rays Third Part; according to the Connecticut Rules.

D.M. MARTIN gave an entertaining lecture in physiology, pertaining to the course of the blood.

J.C. MCWILLIAMS explained to the Institute the reasons why the tens are carried in the rules of addition and subtraction.

Miss Lizzie KIMBLE begged to be excused from presenting her method of teaching primary grammar, on the ground that she had never taught a class in grammar, which excuse was deemed sufficient, but does not speak well for her as an educator.

R.P. HUSSEY drilled a class in advanced reading, which proved interesting to the members of the Institute, and should be more practiced in our schools than it is.

A.I. POWERS conducted an exercise in decimal fractions, to the entire satisfaction of the members.

Three teachers from Lane township were present and invited to take part in the exercises, which they cordially acceded to.

After arranging the programme for the next meeting, the Institute adjourned to meet on the first Saturday in January 1874.

Warrick County Fair

Boonville Enquirer Warrick County, Indiana Saturday, October 3, 1874


The Eighteenth Annual Fair of the Warrick County Agricultural Society opened on Tuesday last, under the most favorable auspices.  All the officers of the Society have been untiring in their efforts to make this exhibition a success in every particular.

Tuesday was advertised as the first day of the fair, but a very few visitors were in attendance as the day was spent in arranging the articles constantly arriving on the grounds for exhibition.  A visit to the fair grounds in the afternoon presented a lively scene.  Everybody was getting ready.  Besides the numerous exhibitors there was the minstrel show and tents already erected and ready for you to “pass upon the inside.”  Eating stands, picture galleries, flying Dutchmen, and cheap Johns were also busily engaged in preparing their stands and anticipating a profitable business.  All the halls have been remodeled, to some extent, since last year.  The fence and some of the halls and stands have been white washed and present a neat appearance which will add greatly to the cheerfulness of the surroundings.

All the halls have been remodeled, to some extent, since last year.  The fence and some of the halls and stands have been white washed and present a neat appearance which will add greatly to the cheerfulness of the surroundings.

By Wednesday evening great progress had been made toward completing the entire arrangements.  A visit to the ground showed the faith of the Board strong as ever, and everybody and everything expectantly lively.  The larger part of the stalls were occupied and the Floral, Agricultural and Mechanical halls were in good order for inspection.  As noise and confusion are always a very prominent feature at all the fairs, the numerous shows saw to it that this feature was not neglected this year.

Wednesday was really the first day of the fair, as the arrangements were not all completed and ready for visitors until that day.  A very good crowd was in attendance, but it was a noticeable fact that the shows and peanut stands did not receive much encouragement in the way of patronage.  The minstrel performers were lying around outside of their tent no thinking it worth while to attempt to rally and audience.  The picture gallery man had no customers and set up the steps of his car talking to a blooming lass and we suppose had won her fond affections away by taking her picture for nothing.

Thursday is always the big day of the fair and this year was no exception to the old rule.  There never has been such a crowd for years, as there was on the grounds Thursday and Friday.   As early as five o’clock in the morning vehicles of every conceivable kind and description came pouring into town from all directions, and as late  as ten o’clock there was such a continued stream of conveyances from and to the fairgrounds that it was almost impossible for a vehicle of any kind to return to town.  The show and eating stand proprietors were in good spirits and raked in in a considerable of loose change during the day.

The display of Cattle in the ring during the morning was very fine and such as to fully sustain the enviable reputation which old Warrick has gained throughout the west as a stock raising county.  The exhibition of horses for general purposes and for light harness was also unusually fine and worthy of a more extended notice than we have the space to give.

Death of Mrs. W.W. Puett

Boonville Enquirer, Warrick County, Indiana, Jan 15, 1889

On Wednesday, the many friends of Mrs. W.W. Puett, were pained by the sad intelligence of her sudden and unexpected death, during the night at 11:30.  Mrs. Puett had been in good health and had attended to her usual duties before retiring.  Later Mr. Puett awoke and found her sitting on the lounge and saying she could not stand it much longer.  Dr. Daily was summoned, but she expired soon after his arrival.

Mrs. Puett was a native of North Carolina, was born March 13, 1824; was married to Rev Rms Puett in 1843.  Thirty five years of her life were spent with her husband in the itinerancy of the Methodist Church.  Mrs. Puett made many friends where ever she went.  She knew how to grow old beautifully.  Her congenial happy face made every one else happy.  We sincerely mourn with our brother who has been thus bereft of his companion and trust that the comforter may come and support him now that all human aid is of so little avail.

Seven children remain with her husband and father to mourn their loss, the youngest being in California.  The burial occurred to day (Friday), 3 pm. at Center Church, Rev. E.P. Wells conducting the services.

Social News

Boonville Enquirer, Warrick County, Indiana, Jan 15, 1889

G.L. NICHOLS of Chicago, is visiting his brother Thomas NICHOLS, depot agent of this place.

Mr. Fred BOHN and his family of Vanderberg county, visited the family of his son-in-law Mr. Julius BOHRER, last Sunday.

Charles VOGEL was called to Illinois last Monday on account of the death of a brother living near Cairo.

R. B.  BETHELL has ordered the address of his paper changed from Creal Springs to Evansville.

W.T. WASHER, the well known bridge builder of Troy, Ind, was in town last Saturday.

Marion FOLSOME and wife and Miss Emma SHRYOCK were among the visitors to Evansville Wednesday.

Charles RUTGER, left Wednesdayfor Washington, D.D. to look after his recent Inventions.

H. KRUSENKLAIS, C. KLOSTERMEYER, Adam LUTZ and Robert LAUDER, were in Evansville Thursday.

Mrs. Morris BENNETT and two of the boys, left Wednesday for a visit to friends at Hazelton.

Mrs.. Helen BENNETT, Mrs. M. LILLECH and MisS Nellie HAZEN, are visiting friends in Evansville.

Miss Edith STONE returned home Monday from Princeton where she has been attending the Normal.  She speaks in glowing terms of the institution.

Mrs. Ephraim ROWE is visiting in Kentucky and Tennessee and will return with her two children who have been attending school at Nashville the past year.

Mr. George BODEN and wife, Misses Anna and Lena WEYERBACHER, J.T. MOORE and Thomas BOLUS of Evansville and John and Gus WEYERBACHER of this place spend several days camping on Otter creek east of town, during the week.

Oakland Enterprise:  C.P. PICKEN, wife and daughter too were the guest of John JETER’s family Monday and Tuesday.

Mrs. R.R. RIDLEY of Boonville, visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. L.B. DOWLER of this place, this week.

Mrs. TILMAN and Mrs. WHITTINGHILL of Boonville were the guests of Wm PHILLIPS’ family this week.

A big piece of slate fell on Norman TAYLOR Monday, while working in his coal mine, and broke his shoulder blade.

Intelligence was received here yesterday by the family of Jesse LINK Esq, that he had been seriously injured by bing thrown from a horse while visiting his son-in-law, Dr. B.F. Hatfield, at Velpen.

Death of Robert H. HUDSON

Boonville Standard, Warrick County, Indiana, Feb 26, 1915

Robert H. HUDSON, 42d Ind. Vols.,
Died at His Home in This City
Robert H. HUDSON, a civil war veteran, died at his home in this city Wednesday morning at 5:30 o’clock.  He had been in feeble health for several weeks.  He was in his 76th year.

The funeral will take place this afternoon.  A service will be conducted this afternoon.  A service will be conducted at the Main street M. E. church by Rev D. P. HOLT, following which the burial will take place at Maple Grove cemetery.

Robert H. HUDSON was born in Warrick county November 17, 1839, and has almost continuously lived in the county of his birth.  He was married to Nancy E. HUDSON November 7, 1864, and to the union seven children were born–one daughter and six sons.  The living children are Mrs. William ESKEW; Messrs., Beela N., Charles L., William W. and James R. HUDSON, all of this county, and Wallie F., of Evansville.  Chester E. died in infancy.  the devoted wife is left to mourn; also 27 grandchildren, 2 great grandchildren and one brother, Daniel HUDSON of Evansville.

The deceased united with the Methodist church in early life and remained a consistent and loyal member of that denomination.

He enlisted in Co. K, 42d Ind. Vols., Sept 20, 1861 and served in that regiment until Dec 31, 1863, when he was mustered out in order to reenlist the following day in the Fifth Regiment of the Veteran Reserve Corps in which he served until the close of the war.  Many civil war veterans attended the obsequities.

Death of Obejiles SMITH

Boonville Enquirer, Warrick County, Indiana, Mar 23, 1928

Obejiles SMITH, son of Hezekiah and Mary SMITH, was born in Spencer county, Indiana, Dec 5, 1847.  Where quite young, he, with his parents, moved to Warrick county in which he has always resided.  He died March 16, 1928, age 80 years, 3 months and eleven days.

He was married to Arena Deweese April 18, 1872.  With this faithful companinon he has spent fifty-six happy years.  To their union was born three sons and two daughters.  Albert of Louisville, Ky; Charles of Evansville; Mary Lucinda, who died in California in 1923; Blaine of Campbellsville, Ky; and Mrs. Allie SANDERS of Chandler.  Besides his loyal companion, these three sons and one daughter, he leaves twelve grandchildren, two great-grandchildren, two half-sisters, Mrs. Rebecca JUDKINS of California, Mrs. Sadie GRANT of this county, and two nephews and one niece, Logan ROSCOE and Ella SMITH of Oakland City, children of a deceased brother.
Most of his life was spent on a farm and among these farm folk here has made many steadfast friends.  His later years were spent in Boonville and Chandler.  He and Mrs. SMITH occupied the orphans home of Boonville for nine years, Mrs. SMITH being matron of that institution for  that number of years.  He was a kind neighbor, making friends whereever he lived.

The last six years of his life have been overshadowed by the loss of his eyesight.  His chief source of pleasure during these years has been derived from the calls and visits of his many loyal friends and neighbors and relatives.  He was noted for his hospitality.

He has been a member of the Masonic fraternity for forty years and lived true to the high ideals of this brotherhood.

Although he never united with any church, he has been a great reader of the scriptures and during his years of blindness has often asked his friends to read the bible to him.
During the last two months of his illness he expressed his willingness to leave his earthly house for the spiritual abode.  Less than two weeks ago he said to his son, “I have had a long life there is no more for me to look forward to in this life.  I’m ready to pass into the future life.  There is nothing between me and my Maker.”

The deceased made special resuqest for no great display but only a single funeral service to be held in his home with a brief message by his brother-in-law, Levi KETCHAM.  These wishes were carried out in the  funeral serive at 2:00 p.m., Sunday, March 18, at the late residence.  Rev. Wm WARNER, whose father was a life long friend read the latter part of the 37th Psalm and led in prayer.  Herbert O’NEIL sang “Jesus, Savior Pilot Me,” and “Lead Kindly Light.”

The Masons conducted their ritualistic service at Maple Grove cemetary, Boonville, where interment took place.

Those from a distance who attended the funeral of Obe SMITH were:  Mr. and Mrs. HALE and Mr. and Mrs Wm. ELLIOTT of Somerville; Mr. and Mrs. Leondard HOLDER and Mrs DOlla HEWINS of Evansville;  Mrs. Ella ENNIS of Petersburg.  Mr and Mrs. Milburn HUBBARD, Mr. and Mrs. Rosco SMITH and Logan SMITH of Oakland City.

Egg Record for February

Boonville Enquirer, Warrick County, Indiana, March 25, 1928

NameHen Type#Hens#Eggs per hen
Jane CHILDSRhode Island Reds1818
Mrs. E.C. MCCOYWhite Leghorns18911.34
W.H. SCALESRocks & Leghorns18911.24
L.W. JENNERWhite Leghorns20811.11
Margaret UTZBarred Rocks3510.70
Mrs. Chas. HEINSOHNBarred Rocks25810.52
J.A. WATTBarred Rocks18410.46
M.H. LOWELLWhite Leghorns9959.82
Mrs. Carl EBYBarred Rocks849.10
Mrs. G.C. YOUNGBLOODBarred Rocks608.60

1 thought on “Extractions from the Boonville Enquirer 1863 – 1928”

  1. yes i am try to find america ann jobe later america ann noles married james p noles on april 22 1857 and supposely ran off with a riverboat captain ,do not know his name,and either went to ind. or ill


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