Indiana Obituaries

Obituaries can be a huge source of information for the researcher. You will always get a name, but depending on who is providing the information other information might not be correct. Often you will find additional names in the obituary, linking the person to other family members.

Obituaries at Indiana Genealogy

Mennonite Archives – Obituaries – Main Index
OBITUARIES from the Herald of Truth (1864-1905), Gospel Witness (1906-1907), Gospel Herald (1908-1998) the weekly newspaper of the Mennonite Church in North America for the Archives of the Mennonite Church at Goshen, Indiana.

Browning Genealogy Database
The Browning Genealogy Database is the lifetime work of Charles Browning, who compiled the obituary records of Vanderburgh County and surrounding southwestern Indiana from the Evansville newspapers: The Evansville Courier, The Evansville Press, and now The Evansville Courier and Press.

1 thought on “Indiana Obituaries”

  1. Iam inquring about two Great Uncles of mine, Chestley & Westley ( twins ) born March 27,1882. Westley died on Aug. 5,1941, Chestley died March 10, 1973, Bloomington, Monroe Indiana. One of their sisters was Idella Bird Burris Scarberry my Great Grandmother.

    I am doing genealogy and a tree. Sincerely Camdin Hinds


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